It’s official! The summer is over


We had an amazing time at Arrowhead. Kids played in the lake, made crafts, swung in hammocks, and all around enjoyed a restful and exciting week away. On top of that, they got to hear from outstanding speakers about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. As always, I am super grateful to have been a part of such a cool ministry.


Here are some fast facts from the summer:

Total Campers

Staff and Volunteers

Decisions for the Lord

And some other highlights…


  • Campers made miniature terrariums, fleece pillows, and string/nail art in the Craft Shop. We also begun remodeling our Craft Shop, and it looks great.
  • Older campers got to experience an “Escape Room”, where they were locked with other teammates and had to find clues and solve puzzles in order to escape!
  • Senior Highers dressed up in sports apparel for our Tailgate Party and made “commercials” for a Chili Cook-Off.
  • Adventure Camp experienced camp’s biggest bonfire yet…it was over 50 feet tall!
  • New games – like Spikeball, Werewolf, and Three Rooms and a Boom – were a hit.
  • The staff cleared the foliage from the shoreline, and now there is a beautiful, unobstructed view of the lake all around.
  • Every week, campers got to spend a night tenting in the woods and eating meals prepared over the fire.
  • Those on our Colorado Trip got to go on several awesome day hikes in the Rockies.
  • Every summer, we take an offering during Chapel that goes to support a missionary somewhere in the world. This summer it was for Ellen Warneke, who serves in Germany…and she even got to be our speaker for one week!

We look forward to having just as much fun next summer. We hope you can join us!